Organizing Committee
Providing an interesting and inspiring conference
The Organizing Committee is endeavoring to provide an interesting and inspiring conference in the topic Tunnel Safety and Ventilation.

Prof. Peter STURM
Scientific Director
Graz University of Technology
Institute of Thermodynamics and Sustainable Propulsion Systems (ITnA)
Telephone: +43 316 873 30200
Address: Inffeldgasse 25C / V, 8010 Graz, AUSTRIA

Michael BACHER
Scientific Director
Graz University of Technology
Institute of Thermodynamics and Sustainable Propulsion Systems (ITnA)
Telephone: +43 316 873 30190
Address: Inffeldgasse 25C / V, 8010 Graz, AUSTRIA

Johannes RODLER
Technical Director
Forschungsgesellschaft für Verbrennungskraftmaschinen und Thermodynamik (FVT mbH)
Telephone: +43 316 873 30199
Address: Inffeldgasse 25C / IV, 8010 Graz, AUSTRIA

Technical Director
Forschungsgesellschaft für Verbrennungskraftmaschinen und Thermodynamik (FVT mbH)
Telephone: +43 316 873 30194
Address: Inffeldgasse 25C / V, 8010 Graz, AUSTRIA

Technical Director
Graz University of Technology
Institute of Thermodynamics and Sustainable Propulsion Systems (ITnA)
Telephone: +43 316 873 30226
Address: Inffeldgasse 25C / IV, 8010 Graz, AUSTRIA

Graz University of Technology
Institute of Thermodynamics and Sustainable Propulsion Systems (ITnA)
Telephone: +43 316 873 30231
Address: Inffeldgasse 25C / IV, 8010 Graz, AUSTRIA